Connect With Your Audience Using These Psychology Insights

“A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.” – Albert Einstein

Sharing the powerful teachings that helped transform your life is a beautiful form of giving. I would go so far as to say that it's one of the most powerful and courageous types of giving.

There is no doubt that there are countless souls who will benefit from the wisdom you want to share. So where is the disconnect? Why does it sometimes feel like no one's paying attention to all the amazing gifts you want to offer them?

Reaching those who will most benefit from your teachings is much easier and more enjoyable than you may think! You can use the powerful insights of psychology to help you connect with those who need your messages right now.

man helping man up mountain

You and I know there is no separation between us, kind soul. We are all part of one interconnected whole. Yet our minds create this perceived separation. As long as we are incarnated in this body, we sometimes have to play by the rules that we - as a collective - have created for ourselves.

So how do you reach that other part of you (your ideal client) who doesn't quite understand the magic of mindfulness like you do? By helping them understand! But first, you must be mindful of the role emotions play in getting people to even listen to new information!


Does your message speak to those who need your services in a way that they can understand and relate to? Does it help them realize how exactly it will make life easier?

One of the components of mindful marketing is using the findings of psychology to help make people's lives better. An essential piece of this is realizing that people make decisions based on emotion first - and then they rationalize and justify them with logic afterwards.

Even brain scans show that when making a purchase decision, people primarily use emotions and feelings rather than information and facts. [1]

Emotions get people to take the actions that are necessary to transform their lives for the better.

When you look at your own buying behaviors, you may notice that you only buy things/experiences/programs that you believe will somehow help make your life easier. They help relieve some sort of pain - whether it's emotional, spiritual, or physical. Why else would you spend your hard-earned money on them?

I want you to think about why you decided to invest your time and money into your mindfulness training in the first place.

Perhaps it was your desire to fulfill some sort of larger calling or purpose that you felt in your life to help others? You knew that this could be just the right tool to help you resolve the pain of *not following that calling.*

So you enrolled in that mindfulness teacher training class.

The key emotional trigger was your desire to help others and the perceived pain of living your life without following that inner urge to do so.


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Think about mindfulness as that perfect tool for you ideal client. You know the results it can get them - reducing stress being one of them - but do they know that?

Once you have an idea of who you want to serve, you can learn what they think they need. Then you can translate the tools that you're bringing to the table into wording that helps them understand how it will transform their lives.

This includes specifically pointing out the benefits of what they will get by working with you. Since they may not yet know the magic of mindfulness, you have to spell it out clearly in a way that aligns with their deepest wants and needs.

When I first learned about meditation for example, some of the biggest reasons for me to pursue it further were to:

  • Get rid of the constant mental chatter about my own unworthiness and the sense that I am never being or doing enough

  • Feel more connected to others and to something larger in life

  • Find a way to leave a legacy through discovering a deeper sense of purpose


Here are two very powerful questions to ask yourself if you need to hone down your message into one that will get your ideal clients to take action and sign up for your services you can start helping them transform their lives.

1. What caused you to want learn about mindfulness?

Think about the first time you heard about mindfulness. What was the main struggle that you realized it could help you overcome that caused you to take action and start learning more about it?

Contemplate your own reasons for becoming curious about mindfulness in the first place.

Consider writing a few pages about your own mindfulness story to help you recognize some of the feelings and emotions that led you to mindfulness in the first place.

These are some of the same emotions you can emphasize in the content you create to optimize your online presence. This will help you share your message in a way that those you can relate to will understand.

2. Who does your soul feel most pulled to help?

I know you want to help as many people as possible. But out of all of those people, who are the ones that are most likely to listen to you based on what have in common?

One of the things psychology teaches as is that we buy from people we like. And we like people who are similar to us.

When we don't know much about a person, anything that we may have in common is already a potential reason that may get us to like them better.

So when you are trying to reach out to strangers on the internet, how are you going to get those strangers to like you even though they've never met you? By relating to them on a level that helps them see your similarities.

  • Think about the people you associate with most.

  • Think about the causes that are dearest to your heart.

  • Think about your past jobs and career experiences.

Are any of these groups in need of less stress, more peace and calm, or better health? Of course you'll say yes - because we could all benefit from mindfulness!!

That's the wonderful thing about having that tool at your disposal - you can use it to help anyone. So it's up to you to define WHO that anyone is that you want to help, kind soul!

And as for me, I want to help you reach those people you feel most drawn to working with! The reason I love copywriting so much is that allows me to use the insights from psychology, marketing, and business to help people understand why mindfulness is the perfect tool they can use to transform their lives.

If you're struggling with figuring out how to hone your marketing message so you can grow your reach, I'd be happy to guide you. Schedule your free discovery call with me here or enroll in the next opening of the Online Marketing for Mindfulness Teachers course to learn how to market yourself more effectively.


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