7 Reasons Every Mindfulness Teacher Should Have a Blog

To help more people bring mindfulness into their lives, they first have to know that you exist! In today’s world this means having a solid online presence that makes it more likely for them to find you.

A blog is a great tool to share valuable content with your audience. It helps you increase traffic to your website and ultimately increase sign ups and bookings for your offerings. In addition, it gives you something else to share on your social media so you can get more engagements and shares.

Here are seven reasons for having a high-quality and consistently updated blog as part of your marketing strategy.

laptop on woman's lap with coffee in hand

According to HubSpot study, businesses that blog get 55% more website visitors than those who do not.[1]

1) Blogs increase your site’s visibility and rankings in search engines

Websites with a blog have 434% more indexed pages.[2] This means that search engines can more easily find your website. By having lots of valuable content, your website gains authority in the eyes of search engines like Google.

The people that find your website through search engines are 8.5x more likely to do business with you than those who come to your website as a result of direct advertising methods.[3]

2) Blogs bring in more new leads than paid advertising

Blogs generate 3x the number of leads compared to paid ads for every dollar.[4] Advertising can certainly help bring new visitors to your site. Yet the most efficient long-term strategy for consistently bringing in new leads is to earn your spot in search engine results. You do that by having valuable content on your site.

You know how you feel about seeing an ad when you're looking for something online. Your ideal clients feel the same – when searching for a solution to their problem 70-80% of people ignore ads and focus on organic search results. [5]

Compared to other marketing activities, blogging is 13x more likely to generate a positive return on your investment.[6]

3) Blogs increase the number of links to your website

Companies that blog receive 97% more links to their website.[7] As you share content that people find valuable, they are more likely to share it with their peers. This in turn helps you expand the network of your leads beyond just the people you actively advertise to.

Your fans and followers eventually become your business advocates as they send more people to your website through the blog posts you share.

4) Blogs convert website “window-shoppers” into paying clients

It takes time to earn the trust needed to do business with someone. It may take your ideal client a few times of seeing your name, brand, and website before they feel comfortable contacting you to book a session or buy your course.

According to a study from DemandGen, 47% of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a company by contacting them.[8]

The more content you provide to your ideal clients, the stronger the relationship you’ll build with them. Eventually when they decide that they are ready to change their life by bringing in more mindfulness, they will think of you as their go-to mindfulness and meditation coach.

5) Blogs can be re-purposed into content to share on other platforms

The beautiful thing about a blog is that once it’s written, you can use and re-use it forever! You can take one blog post and turn it into social media content for a week’s worth of posts (for example 7 meditation tips could each be turned into a separate post).

You can take snippets from your blog and integrate them into your newsletters, white papers, e-books, YouTube videos, or even podcasts. Then you can link all of these sources back to your blog.

If your blog contains a Call to Action (and it should!), people will then be more likely to take the action you want them to take – whether that’s signing up for your newsletter or booking a session.

6) Blogs build momentum even while you sleep

If your blog post is SEO optimized by using the keywords that your ideal client is looking for, your website will keep capturing those keyword searches over time. This builds momentum as your pages begin to rank higher and your website earns more authority.

You build your audience organically over time from every piece of content you share.

Unlike ads, which you have to pay for per every ad, you only invest your time or money into a blog once. Then it continues to deliver value and inspire action as long as it’s on your website.

7) Blogs build credibility and establish your expertise

You are amazing at what you do. You know that. But most of your ideal clients aren’t aware of your level of expertise if you don’t showcase it. Blogs help position you as an expert in your readers’ eyes. This increases the chances that they will think of you the next time they need help with a mindfulness-related topic.

person typing on laptop near cell phone

How to get the most out of your blog

If you want your blog to help you deliver results, you need to focus on three things: quality, length, and consistency.

1) High Quality

High quality content means that you are giving your readers something they are seeking an answer to. Perhaps you’re providing a fresh perspective on a topic they think they’re familiar with. Or maybe you’re bringing in scientific data to back up what they’ve always wanted to know.

Using trustworthy resources in your blog is another way to increase the quality of your posts. When others see that you are providing valuable content, they are more likely to share it and link back to your site. 94% of people who share posts do so because they believe it will be helpful to others.[9]

2) Optimal Length

For search engine optimization purposes, longer articles are generally better. The average word count of top-ranking content in Google is between 1,140 – 1,285 words.[10] Generally, anything between 1000-2600 works well.

3) Consistency

Businesses that blog 11x per month see three times more traffic than those who only blog once a month.[11] But don’t let that scare you! The bottom line is that the more often you blog, the more website visitors you will get.

Many marketers recommend aiming for posting a new blog at least 4x per month. If you think of this as one blog post a week, it already sounds a lot more manageable.

But you may not want to be spending even that extra time behind the computer. From strategizing about the right SEO keywords, to finding trustworthy research to include, to editing, formatting, and finding the perfect image - it can take hours to put one post together if you want to do it right. That’s where hiring a copywriter can become a valuable investment in the future growth of your business.

Be strategic with your blog posts

A well-written blog should have a strategy behind it. If your posts aren’t going to be consistent, have a call to action (even if that’s just to sign up for a newsletter), or won’t include the relevant keywords your ideal clients would likely be searching for, your posts are likely to get lost in online noise.

If you would like to expand your reach with a blog but don’t want to spend all that time and hassle putting one together, click here to contact me for an initial free discovery call to explore ways I can help.


[1] https://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/5014/study-shows-business-blogging-leads-to-55-more-website-visitors.aspx

[2] https://www.techclient.com/blogging-statistics/

[3] https://www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-101/seo-statistics/

[4] https://www.scribly.io/blog/is-content-marketing-really-worth-it

[5] https://www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-101/seo-statistics/

[6] https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/business-blogging-in-2015

[7] https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/business-blogging-in-2015?__hstc=191390709.a8ae3ebd8c33e1241ca3b98e8a32f2c6.1594735117924.1595227736019.1596694372114.3&__hssc=191390709.1.1596694372114&__hsfp=3951331856

[8] https://www.demandgenreport.com/resources/research/2016-content-preferences-survey-b2b-buyers-value-content-that-offers-data-and-analysis

[9] https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/blogging-statistics-to-boost-your-strategy

[10] https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/blogging-statistics-to-boost-your-strategy

[11] https://www.roionline.com/blog/how-often-you-should-be-blogging-data-driven-statistics


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