8 Ways to Feel Confident Promoting Your Services

woman mindfully meditating outside

One of the hardest parts of growing any business is often spreading the word and asking people to sign up for your offerings. But...in a nutshell, that's exactly what marketing is.

I remember from starting my own business that just the word marketing can be enough to make any kind and loving soul cringe. We've all seen way too many sleazy marketing tactics to not feel some sort of hesitation about marketing.

But that's why it's time for us to be the change-makers....

YOU can be the one to shift the paradigm and show the world that marketing can be done in a mindful and conscious manner.

This starts with becoming confident about marketing your own services. Once you continually promote your work from the heart, you'll be a true role model to help other business owners know that mindful marketing is possible AND effective.

So here are 8 tips for helping you feel more confident about marketing so that you can break those old paradigms of marketing and truly help more people with your work.

1) Follow your heart to serve others

The best way to feel confident in promoting the work you're doing is to allow yourself to be led by your heart. Recall the passion you felt in your heart when you first started your business.

Connect to your heart's desire to help the people you'd be most excited to serve. Perhaps they're people who are currently struggling with something you've overcome thanks to mindfulness. Who are these people? Are you actively showing up for them?

When you do your work because you truly want to serve, promoting your offerings becomes a joy - a true labor of love. Because you know that every person who signs up will have the opportunity to benefit from what you're wanting to share.

2) Promote from a place of love and alignment

Before doing anything to promote your services, take a mindful pause. Check in with your intentions. Are you marketing from an inner space of abundance and deep desire to serve? Or are you marketing from a place of lack, perhaps afraid that your own needs won't be met?

When you're in a place of love and alignment in your own business and life, it's much easier to promote your services. Why? Because you recognize that promoting your work can truly bless others. In turn, they'll be a lot more likely to feel your loving energy and trust you enough to sign up to work with you.

3) Get excited about expanding your marketing skills

woman doing mindful marketing on multiple devices

You're amazing at helping people be more mindful and compassionate with themselves. And that is so important in helping our world heal! But if you want to also be great at continually reaching more people, it's essential to understand the basics of marketing.

This doesn't mean you have to become a marketing guru or that you have to spend every day doing marketing.

It can be as simple as committing to reading a few marketing or business-related books every quarter or taking a mindful marketing course to learn the basics and then applying them.

Marketing is a skill you learn by doing it consistently. To get excited about learning something new, simply think about how great it will be when more people come across your offerings and sign up to work with you!

4) Look directly at fears or limiting beliefs

Any limiting or negative beliefs you may have about marketing or business are likely to keep playing out automatically. That is until you bring in mindfulness and make a conscious decision to look at them directly so you can overcome them.

You'll find it easier to see fears of marketing or limiting beliefs for what they are so you can choose to respond in a way that allows you to serve more people.

When you directly face limiting marketing beliefs, you'll be able to respond as a loving and heart-based marketer, enjoying the process of putting value into the world without the common fear of rejection or judgment.

This work in itself can be a great mindfulness exercise as you practice being with any thoughts, emotions, or beliefs that come up in an open and compassionate space.

5) Redefine failure as the next step to success

It can be hard to promote your offerings if you've done it in the past and feel like you have "failed." Maybe your post didn't get as many likes as you hope...maybe nobody signed up for your new class. This is completely ok and doesn't affect your worthiness as an amazing, loving being.

Simply notice how you feel when something like this happens. I know that it can be hard not to take these things personally. But look at it this way: not getting the results you expected doesn't define who you are. It just means you now have one more piece of data to use as a stepping stone to your next success in reaching more people.

It's also important to know what kind of expectations to have so you can easily measure your marketing metrics and give yourself the credit you deserve. When you do the research or consult with a mindful marketing strategist to find out why something you did may not have worked, it will make you more confident in the marketing you'll do in the future.

6) Celebrate yourself for being willing to try

You won't be able to touch more lives if you're not willing to try something new to reach them. While it can sometimes feel like you have to have just the right strategy, oftentimes the most important thing is just being willing to take action.

Recognize how much work you've done already as a result of your commitment to help others. You practice mindfulness yourself. You've taken the classes or gotten the credentials to be able to teach mindfulness skillfully. You're reading this right now because you truly want to have a bigger impact. All of this counts!

So if you're willing to act and try something new, celebrate yourself for that! That'll give you the confidence and motivation to keep your compassionate efforts going!

7) Surround yourself with people who believe in you

When you're promoting your mindfulness work, it can often feel like you're in it all by yourself. This can weigh down your confidence as you may not be sure whether you're doing things right.

That's why it's so important to surround yourself with people who believe in the work you're doing as well as peers who are already doing what you wish to achieve.

Plus, knowing that someone else believes in you makes it easier to become the source of confidence for another! As you interact with other mindfulness teachers who are also passionate about making an impact, you'll feel more confident knowing that you're not in it all alone.

women celebrating together

You can join other mindfulness teachers during our free monthly mindful content creation calls every second Tuesday of the month to create impactful mindfulness content for your audience.

8) Be patient with the process...and yourself

Marketing is a continuous process of putting value out to others. But it often takes time to figure out the right marketing strategy for your target audience based on what they value most.

Learning new platforms or trying to get your website or blog up and running can be frustrating as well. So it's important to be patient and gentle with yourself as you learn your way around mindful marketing.

The more value you put out there, the more you will be seen as a credible source within your field - and the faster your marketing efforts will pay off in terms of getting more students or clients.

If you find yourself feeling stuck or frustrated with your marketing, don't be afraid to reach out for help. Talk to other mindfulness teachers or mentors to see what's worked for them.

Or save yourself time by reaching out to a mindful marketing expert who's excited to help you bring your mindfulness work to the world. In my Maximize My Impact marketing coaching package, we'll take a deep look at what is and isn't working in your mindfulness business to help you uncover and work through any marketing challenges that may be keeping you from making the most impact with your offerings. You can schedule a free consultation call to see if this is right for you here.


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